Hello Brothers and Sisters,

I hope this finds you all well and safe. Shift bids are being done, the summer rush is over, or is supposed to be, and school is back in session. Before we know it, it will be time for the annual leave bids and we will be in full Holiday travel mode. Time just flies by when you are having fun. 

It has been a long busy summer with lots of movement within our local, Council and National. 

First order of business was training for our representatives along with your executive board with Council 100 on the new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) which went into effect May 24th, 2024.

In June, I was able to have a meet and greet with the new FSD in Colorado, FSD Douglas Cruz. It went very well. The next week, our Vice President Trang Kim, RVP for Colorado Adam Givens, Secretary Denise Rodriguez,  Representative Chris Curtis, National Organizers (NO) Eileen Garcia and Jasmine Falls and myself, were able to spend four days in Denver visiting with the bargaining unit/members.  We were also able to spend some time in Colorado Springs as well. We answered questions on the new CBA. We were able to address some concerns and get answers for individuals as well.  July went by swiftly ending with more training for the members of the executive board in Colorado Springs. 

In August we sent four of our delegates to the AFGE National Convention. There were more than 1500 members and delegates present from all different agencies. Before the convention started, our first order of business was to vote for our Council 100 members. When we vote, we vote for the President, Executive Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and then our prospective Regions, ours is Region 5 Vice President. The winners of the election are as follows:
Council 100 President- Hydrick Thomas, Executive Vice President- Mac Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer- Johnny Jones, Region 1 VP-  Carlos Rodriguez , Region 2 VP- John H. Hubert , Region 3 VP- Janis Casey, Region 4 VP- Becky Mancha, Region 5 VP- Duncan McGuire, Region 6 VP- Bobby Orozco, Jr., Region 7 VP- Joe Shuker. 

Congratulations to all of the members of Council 100. 

Next at the convention was voting for the National President, Secretary-Treasurer, and the Vice President for Womens and Fair Practices (WFP). The winners of those elections were as follows:   
     National President- Everett Kelley, National Secretary-Treasurer – Eric Bunn, National Vice President for WFP- Kendrick Roberson. Congratulations to each of them as well. 

On the first day of the convention, awards were handed out to different locals for growth. I am proud to announce and share with you that WE, Local 1127, was one of the locals to receive an award and recognition! We received an award for 69% growth from June 2022- May 2024. We have been the fastest growing local within District 11 and it has not gone unnoticed. Our current membership number is 1108. Congratulations.

After the first day of introductions, announcements and awards, there were votes on different proposals to changes to the National Constitution as well as additions too. There were quite a few to work through and a lot of debate over a period of three days. Along with the different articles, we as delegates vote on the per capita tax.  This tax is paid by the locals monthly, per member, to National so they can pay, insure, and have retirement for  all the employees that are dedicated and work constantly for each and every one of us. This includes attorneys, organizers, our workers comp specialists, our EEO specialists and the list goes on. The first proposal did not pass. However, a 50 cent increase per year, per member, per month did pass for each of the following years, 2025, 2026, and 2027.  The next convention will be in 2027.

A few days after the convention ended, RVP for Colorado Adam Givens, NO Eileen Garcia and myself visited the airports in Colorado. It was quite the seven (7) days to get to all the different locations. Beautiful drive and lots of mountain driving. We were met with warm welcomes and many thanks for taking the time to visit and spending time with them.

When I visit the airports within our Local, it re-energizes my spirit and my conviction that I have carried all of these years. To ensure everyone is treated fairly with dignity and respect. To ensure that everyone’s voices are heard and that they know they matter. That you, the membership know, I am with you; good, bad or indifferent. 

This brings us to September! We have some more virtual training in a couple weeks with Council 100 for our representatives on grievances and arbitration. There is some other training going on as well later in the month. RVP of Montana Barbara Hanson and NO Garcia will be visiting all of the airports in Montana next week! There is a trip planned for Wyoming as well, but at the moment is on hold. As soon as I have the information on that, it will be sent to all of our Wyoming Brothers and Sisters. 

As I stated previously, a lot of things happened and are happening. Remember to check out our Locals website www.afgetsalocal1127.org and the private group page on facebook for just our Local membership https://www.facebook.com/groups/rwolf1127 . 

I appreciate each and everyone of you. For your faith not only in myself as your Local President, but your executive board, and AFGE. I also want to thank you for everything you do each and every day. I know it can be a thankless job at times and that you, we, all work hard to ensure that we keep everyone safe. You are all a special group of individuals.

Stay strong and stay focused. 

In solidarity,

Rebecca Wolf