Brothers and Sisters. 

It has been quite the whirlwind these last couple days and I am pretty sure that it will be for quite some time to come. Many different views coming across social media and the news in regards to the election and what it means for all.

I know we all have different views and feelings when it comes down to many different aspects of life. This includes the political sides of things and the elections. That is OK. That’s all  a part of what makes us individuals and what makes the world go round. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of that. 

It is important that each and everyone of you know, that no matter what side of the isle you are on politically, we stand together as ONE with the Union. As we stay ready and steadfast in our duties to protect the flying public on the front lines; know that OUR Union is just as committed to stay ready and steadfast to protect OUR rights as Government Employees. Not only our rights, but also protecting our pay, our benefits, and essentially, our families. 

Our jobs can be hard enough without the political aspects of everything. Stay kind to each other.

As always, I thank each of you for everything you do each and every day. 

In Solidarity, 

Rebecca Wolf, Local President

AFGE Headquarters
AFGE Council 100

Do you know what to do if you:

X are asked to write a statement?

X are question about an incident?

X get a letter of Reprimand or a Proposed Discipline?

X are told there is a complaint about you?

If you believe a conversation with a Lead or a Supervisor will go into discipline ASK FOR A UNION REPRESENTATIVE to be with you in this conversation.

Keep copies of any and all documentation, write down who you talk to, date & time of conversation, who was a witness.

Know your Weingarten Rights!              Click on your state to find your Representative